NTU consortium has been awarded with the Technical Assistance to the implementation of Ukraine Public Buildings Energy Efficiency in Framework Loan in Ukraine. From February 2022 and for 4 years, we will support eligible municipalities that wish to refurbish public building facilities with a view to improving their energy efficiency.
High-energy consumption in Ukraine is a financial burden for the State, the enterprises and the population. Local authorities suffer for the high-energy costs that make up the second largest item of expenditure in the municipal budget, only after staffing.
The overall objective of this intervention is to support Ukraine in implementing a rehabilitation programme that involves comprehensive refurbishment of public buildings, including integration of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures and integration of pandemic response measures in a large number of small and medium municipalities across the country.
How we are doing it
The investments foresee installation of modern EE equipment, meters and control systems, the modernization of heating, ventilation and lighting systems, and the necessary works to increase the performance of the building envelope.
NTU Consortium proposes to carry out the following activities to achieve the aforementioned objective:
- Prepare and implement transparent and effective programme management and organizational structures.
- Raise visibility and awareness among municipalities.
- Support and build capacity of all relevant stakeholders involved in the programme.
- Promotion and participation of municipalities in the Framework Loan.
- Efficient and effective support in the management, monitoring and reporting on Framework Loan implementation.
- Capacity building programme enabling the stakeholders to efficiently perform their respective tasks related to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of sub-projects.
- Regular reporting to the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development, the EIB and other stakeholders in the Project Steering Committee.
- Independent verification that the renovation sub-projects are meeting the planned energy savings.
- Provision of Technical Designs and Energy Audits in line with Ukrainian legislation.
- Contribute to increased awareness and visibility about the benefits of the Programme among the general public in Ukraine.
The measures proposed under this technical assistance are expected to achieve the following impacts:
- Reduce the energy intensity of buildings and the municipal expenditures.
- Reduce CO2 and other GHG emissions.
- Improve medium long term pandemic resilience of the public buildings.
- Contribute to the economic growth in the country in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak.
- Enforce the transposed EU Energy Performance on Buildings Directive.
- Support the development of energy efficiency standards.
- Ensure the use of modern materials, technologies and management.
- Improve the quality of public services and the comfort for the buildings’ users.
- Contribute to increased competences and skills of stakeholders.
- Reinforcing local governance reform in Ukraine.
- Leave a legacy and a solid basis for additional financing and replication of the project in other municipalities.
Approach to Task delivery