NTU is short-listed for EU-Africa Infrastructure Partnership preparatory actions and studies, technical advocacy and support activities for Gambia bridge project project

NTU is short-listed for EU-Africa Infrastructure Partnership preparatory actions and studies, technical advocacy and support activities for Gambia bridge project project

The Gambia bridge is part of the Trans-African Highway No 7 linking Dakar and Lagos and a priority project of both AUC and ECOWAS. Following the recently completed update of the design and tender dossier for the bridge, this technical assistance shall support the dialogue process to advance towards a comprehensive agreement for its implementation. The technical assistance shall comprise the following components: 1. overall assistance to the dialogue process between project stakeholders, notably the governments of the Gambia and Senegal, the regional organisations OMVG and ECOWAS and funding organisations comprising facilitations of discussions, preparation and discussion of technical options papers, organisation and conducting of stakeholder consultation and workshops and reports; 2. legal, regulatory, institutional, tariff and tax revenue study, financial/PPP and technical expertise to support the preparation of an agreement and implementation of framework for the bridge crossing; 3. trade and transport facilitation study and recommendations in support of the process.