NTU has been been shortlisted for the Institutional Capacity Building to the Transport and Road Sector in Kenya

The proposed support framework shall be implemented through an integrated institutional capacity building programme guided by relevant national policy frameworks and needs assessment studies. It shall include provision of a wide range of long- and short-term technical assistance services, aiming at the development of managerial, financial, procurement, legal, IT skills and related systems through on-the-job training approach. Institutions to be supported include the Ministry of Roads, Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA), KenyaRural Roads Authority (KeRRA), Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA), the Ministry of Transport and other sector agencies. Regional economic integration by means of transport infrastructure constitutes the first focal sector of theEuropean Union–Kenya country strategy programme/national indicative programme (CSP/NIP, 2008–2013). Inthis context, support to the ongoing reforms in the transport/road sectors through institutional capacity building ispart of the priority actions to be implemented.