Establishing a Circular Economy network for ports in Europe

The LOOP-Ports project will facilitate the transition to circular economy at EU ports

LOOP-Ports - Circular Economy Network of Ports is a Pan-European collaboration between key ports, with a goal of facilitating the transition to a closed-loop Circular Economy in the port sector. The port and shipping sector is responsible for a large amount of emissions, and acts as the gateway for transport of both virgin and secondary materials. To provide the largest possible impact, the LOOP network will focus on high-emitting materials, mainly metals, plastics, cements and biomaterials.

As one of the core partners of the project, NTU will be responsible for case studies regarding metals and cement, applying the experience learned from our Climate KIC Accelerator Project – The Total Recycling Decommissioning (TRD). The TRD will act as a pilot project for the LOOP network, deriving synergies and exchanging experiences and good practices across the European ports network.

The network will provide policy recommendations for both national and EU regulators and host workshops and training seminars in ports all over Europe in pursuit of new business opportunities both within and between port clusters and other industries related to this environment.

Project kickoff in Valencia

The project was officially started on October 18th, 2018 with a kick-off meeting in Valencia. The project is coordinated by Fundación Valenciaport and funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) through the EIT Climate-KIC initiative.

LOOP-Ports involves 13 partners from 6 EU Member States (Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Denmark and Netherlands). The project will be run for just over 2 years (26 months), ending in November 2020. During the project, a website will be launched where interested parties can follow the progress – we will keep you updated about this.

For more information on the EIT and Climate-KIC in particular, please visit: